Altitude Arborist, LLC

Altitude Arborist


We are there if an emergency is to arise.


Emergency Services

There is never a good time for a tree to fail, but unfortunately it does happen. Sometimes it’s a heavy spring snow, a strong wind event, or simply old age and decline that can cause a tree to fail. In the event of unexpected tree failure, we are here to help.

Providing for crew safety first, we can evaluate the damage and either safely remove the tree entirely or remove the damaged portion of the tree and try to prune the remaining tree in an attempt to salvage the tree.
The Altitude Arborist


At Altitude Arborist, we strive to create customers for life. We’ve been fortunate to serve many of our customers for the last 5 years straight. We strive to care for your tree like you are family. With 2 ISA Certified Arborists and degreed foresters on staff, you know that you’re going to get expert services and the right care for your trees and plants.

We are a family-owned company that is committed to making sure you feel like you are a part of the family. We are committed to the highest standards of safety practices while providing exceptional customer service.

With the ever-changing climate landscape, Colorado’s trees required updated techniques and modern plant care measures to properly care for your plants and trees. We provide the most scientific method for tree pruning, tree removals, cable and bracing systems, storm damage mitigation, tree planting, stump grinding, and plant health care.

Altitude Arborist – Advanced Tree Care has provided expert tree services on the Colorado Front Range since 2016 and If you want your trees to be cared for the right way, contact us!


Tree Service Requests Completed
Altitude Arborist


Full-Service Care at a Price You Can Afford

Altitude Arborist is a full-service tree care company serving homeowners. We help you care for and protect your trees while following safe work practices and using the highest quality of customer service.

Stump Grinding

If a customer would like to see the entire tree removed including the stump we can accommodate that! We can grind any size stump. Generally stumps are ground 6-8 inches below the surrounding landscape grade. For many stumps, the grinding will remove a majority of the root ball and some of the lateral roots.

Tree Removal

We own a bucket truck with a 65 foot reach to aid us in the removal of trees where access is adequate. We have arborists on staff capable of hand climbing trees in more remote areas of the landscape where our bucket truck cannot be utilized and the tree is safe to climb and remove.

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